This is the time of year when clients start to think about preparing themselves for long hot sunny days on a winter break!
Ideally they will be planning a few months ahead and getting themselves into a routine, waxing every 4-6 weeks for 3 or 4 visits to the salon before their holiday so that their hair cycle …….Problem clients will roll up to the salon last minute expecting silky smooth skin that will last the duration of their holiday AND for a few weeks after. Help them to understand how a good waxing programme will help them have hair-free skin for longer - send out newsletters and post on facebook and instagram reminding them to get into a routine.
This is also the time of year when wax companies get phone calls from salon clients who have suddenly developed an ‘allergy’ to their wax – their skin has gone spotty and they’ve developed a rash and it’s never happened to them before! Funny that it always seems to be on the sunniest day of the year – they can’t resist going and sitting outside even though they’ve just had their skin waxed!
It is vitally important that you tell your clients how bad the sun is for their newly waxed skin. Waxing photosensitises the skin which could cause pigmentation , it removes dead skin cells (a great exfoliation!) and exposes open pores which are vulnerable to the sun and sweat can infect and irritate.
If you find after care advice too time consuming or you want to drum home how important it is to keep out of the sun, give out post wax advice cards or find out if your waxing company make them - make sure that every client gets one at this time of year.
Clients need to stay out of the sun for at least 24-48 hours after their waxing treatment. During this time they also need to avoid close fitting clothes, only have a cool shower, not to swim or sit in the sun, not to apply self tanning products or go on a sunbed, no perfumes, creams or lotions except those designed to be used after waxing.
If you get those over-zealous clients who love to exfoliate and choose to do it every day advise them to only exfoliate 24-48 hours before they are waxed and then not for 2-3 days after. 2-3 times a week is sufficient to ensure baby-soft skin – tell them to moisturise afterwards – most people forget and its equally important! This helps to keep the skin smooth and hydrated prevent dreaded ingrown hairs. Recommend a moisturiser that’s been designed to go with your waxing range, maybe with a hair retardant that helps hair grow back finer and softer, looking less obvious. Also recommend an ingrown hair serum or spray and tell them to take it on holiday with them – who wants a big ugly red spot on display when they are in their favourite bikini by the poolside?
For yummy mummy’s who have their waxing done and then go and sit around the spa or gym pool or in the outside café or restaurant, make sure they apply an after wax lotion with a sun protection, especially for their face. Not only will it keep their skin from getting sunburnt, but also help to prevent pigmentation.
Lastly, remember to book your client back in for a wax 2 -3 weeks after their holiday too – this will exfoliate and brighten their skin making it radiant and super soft!