bikini waxing spatula in sparkling purple wax

Bikini Waxing: The Best Ways to Prepare

Posted by Ashmira Botanica on

Bikini waxing is one of the most in demand treatments during summer. With this sunny weather, your salon is probably experiencing a wave of new customers looking for a bikini wax before jetting off on summer holiday (or sitting in their paddling pool at home!) 

We‚Äôve put together our top tips for preparing for a bikini wax, so share this blog with your customers so they can learn what to expect. 

Bikini Waxing Top Tips

Before Your Wax

There are a few ways to prepare your skin before any wax in order to get the best results. Exfoliate and moisturise the skin in the days leading up to your wax, this will help to prevent ingrown hairs. 

Secondly, put down the razor! Although it may be tempting to tackle the hair yourself, your hair should be grown out to at least a quarter of an inch. 

On the Day Of Your Wax

Avoid wearing tight clothes, in order to prevent chafing and any ingrown hairs. Opt for loose, breathable fabrics instead to help out your sensitive, post wax skin. 

Another essential point, communicate with your waxer! If you are feeling nervous or unsure make sure to let them know. Also, mention to them if there are any positions you feel uncomfortable in and they should be able to advise you on alternative ways to position for the wax. 

Similarly to this, trust your waxer! They have done this before and are trained to give you the best results. Also, put aside any insecurities about your body. Beauty therapists have seen it all before and know better than anyone that every body is beautiful. All they are focusing on is getting every last hair out!

Summer Specific Tips

Avoid direct sunlight on the bikini area as much as possible after a wax. Although you may want to head straight to the pool, your newly waxed skin will be sensitive to sunlight. 

Similarly, try and avoid too much sun exposure before your bikini wax. Therapists can’t wax your skin until sunburn is fully healed so moderate how much tanning your doing before your appointment!


The most important thing to remember for your bikini wax is to try and relax. Waxing can be intimidating, especially if it‚Äôs your first time, but it will never be as uncomfortable as you think it will be! 

If you want more tips and advice on how to prepare for our wax, check out our other blogs.

Are you a beauty professional looking for the products that will give your clients their best wax? 

You can head to our blogs to check out more about our waxing products, including a guide to find your perfect wax. 

To view our range of waxing products you need to first sign up as a trade account which you can do here. 
If you have any questions or would like more information then please email us at or call us on 01823428588.

We love talking about our products and are always happy to help!

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